First Baptist Church of Cairo
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Knowing Christ and Making Him Known


We offer classes on Sunday morning (9:15-10:15) for babies 6 weeks- 1 year in our nursery. Toddlers begin in our 1 year old class once they are walking steady. We then have classes for 2s, 3s, Pre-K and K. Our classes teach using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum from LifeWay. The preschool offers an Extended Session program (10:15-11:30) for preschoolers 6 weeks to 3 years while parents are attending worship service.
On Sunday nights (6:00-7:00) we have a 15-20 minute outside playtime, 15 minute choir that teaches music and movement to worship songs and we then have a Bible lesson and craft.
Wednesday nights (6:00-7:00) we offer Preschool coir for 30 minutes. We work on songs that we perform once quarterly during an AM Worship Service and to the residents of Magnolia Place. Next we have Mission friends. Each month we learn about a missionary and region where they are serving. During the month, we may have service projects to go along with the missionary's service.
We also have special events throughout the year that we  have to connect with parents and families.
Preschool Committee:
Sandy Allen, Casey Connell, Brittney Crapps, Raina Ferenchick, Adrian Parker
Sunday School Teachers:
Nursery- Bettye Dennard & Dewanda Collins
1s- Raina Ferenchick & Holly Butler
2s- Sandy Allen & Casey Connell
3s- Richard & Connie McFatter
PreK- Mande Daughtry & Becky Moore
K- Mike and Diane Garver, Aubrey Hasick
Sunday Night Teachers:
Nursery- Bettye Dennard and Dewanda Collins
2s and up- Sandy Allen & Casey Connell
                  Mark & Meg Herring
Wednesday Night:
Nursery- Bettye Dennard & Dewanda Collins
1s/2s- Cassidy Godwin
Mission Friends- Sandy Allen and Casey Connell 
Preschool Choir-Raina Ferenchick & Holly Butler